
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Stats with R - 6

data<- read.table("Stats1.13.HW.04.txt",header = T)

In a model predicting salary, what is the unstandardized regression coefficient for years, assuming years is the only predictor variable in the model?
data <-read.table("week6.txt",header = T)

summary(model1 <- lm((data$salary) ~ (data$years)))

In a model predicting salary, what is the 95% confidence interval for the unstandardized regression coefficient for years, assuming years is the only predictor variable in the model?
4930 6345

data <-read.table("week6.txt",header = T)
summary(model1 <- lm((data$salary) ~ (data$years)))

In a model predicting salary, what is the unstandardized regression coefficient for years, assuming years and courses are both included as predictor variables in the model?
summary(model2 <- lm((data$salary) ~ (data$years)+(data$courses)))

In a model predicting salary, what is the 95% confidence interval for the unstandardized regression coefficient for years, assuming years and courses are both included as predictor variables in the model?
4140 5473
summary(model2 <- lm((data$salary) ~ (data$years)+(data$courses)))

What is the predicted difference in salary between Doctors and Lawyers assuming an equal and average number of years and courses?

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