
Friday, August 3, 2012

Dimensional Modeling

What is Dimensional Modeling?
Dimensional data model concept involves two types of tables and it is different from the 3rd normal form. This concepts uses Facts table which contains the measurements of the business and Dimension table which contains the context(dimension of calculation) of the measurements.

What is Fact table?
Fact table contains measurements of business processes also fact table contains the foreign keys for the dimension tables. For example, if your business process is “paper production” then “average production of paper by one machine” or “weekly production of paper” would be considered as measurement of business process.

What is Dimension table?
Dimensional table contains textual attributes of measurements stored in the facts tables. Dimensional table is a collection of hierarchies, categories and logic which can be used for user to traverse in hierarchy nodes.

What are the Different methods of loading Dimension tables?
There are two different ways to load data in dimension tables.
Conventional (Slow) :
All the constraints and keys are validated against the data before, it is loaded, this way data integrity is maintained.
Direct (Fast) :
All the constraints and keys are disabled before the data is loaded. Once data is loaded, it is validated against all the constraints and keys. If data is found invalid or dirty it is not included in index and all future processes are skipped on this data.

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