
Friday, March 15, 2013

Stats with R - Questions

The correct answer choices are marked in blue :

1.When a distribution is extremely skewed, the best measure of central tendency is typically the:
  • mean
  • median 
  • standard deviation
  • standard error

2.According to the central limit theorem, the shape of the distribution of sample means is always:
  • positively skewed
  • uniform
  • normal 
  • negatively skewed

3.The standard deviation of the distribution of sample means is called:
  • percent error
  • special error
  • standard error 
  • likely error

4.Systematic measurement error represents:
  • bias 
  • chance error
  • outliers
  • covariance

5.What value is expected for the t statistic if the null hypothesis is true?
  • 1
  • 0
  • 2
  • 1.96

6.What happens to the t-distribution as sample size increases?
  • The distribution appears more and more like a normal distribution
  • The distribution appears less and less like a normal distribution
  • The distribution becomes uniform
  • The distribution is unaffected
7.Degrees of freedom (df) for the single sample t-test is equal to:
  • N
  • N + 1
  • N - 1
  • the square root of N
8.In an independent t-test, what is the standard error of the difference?
  • the standard deviation of the distribution of sample means
  • the pooled standard deviation
  • the standard deviation of the distribution of sample mean differences
  • the standard deviation of the sample means
9.How many subjects were included in an independent samples t-test if a researcher reports t(20) = 3.68
  • 20
  • 19
  • 22 
  • 18
10.In a factorial ANOVA, a significant interaction effect indicates that:
  • the influence of one IV is the same for each level of the other IV
  • the influence of one IV is not the same for each level of the other IV
  • the influence of one IV is different from the influence of the other IV
  • the dependent variable differs depending on the level of an independent variable (IV)

11.In any factorial ANOVA, if FAxB is significant, then which of the following is true?
  • FA is significant
  • FB is significant
  • Both FA and FB are significant
  • None of the above

12. The General Linear Model assumes that the relationships between predictor variables (X’s) and the outcome variable (Y) are:
  • Linear
  • Additive
  • Linear and additive 
  • None of the above

13.In null hypothesis significance testing, if the probability of a Type II error is .20 and alpha = .04, then what is power?
  • .20
  • .40
  • .60
  • .80

14. If the 68% confidence interval for the regression coefficient for predictor X does not contain zero, can you safely assume that the effect of X on an outcome variable Y will be significant with alpha = .05?
  • No

15.In a standard regression analysis, if the unstandardized regression coefficient is 2 and the standard
error of the regression coefficient is 4 then what is the corresponding t-value?
  • t = 0.25
  • t = 0.50 
  • t = 0.75
  • t = 1

16.Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient (r) is used when X and Y are:
  • Both nominal variables
  • Both categorical variables
  • Both dichotomous variables
  • Both continuous variables

17. In a regression analysis, which distribution will have the largest standard deviation?
  • the residuals
  • the predicted scores on the outcome variable
  • the standardized regression coefficients
  • the observed scores on the outcome variable

18. In multiple regression analysis, the null hypothesis assumes that the unstandardized regression
coefficient, B, is zero. The standard error of the regression coefficient depends on:
  • Sample size
  • Sample size and the Sum of Squared Residuals
  • Sample size, Sum of Squared Residuals, and the number of other predictor variables in the regression model
  • Sample size, Sum of Squared Residuals, the number of other predictor variables in the regression model, and the p-value

19. Which of the following r-values indicates the strongest relationship between two variables?
  • +.65
  • -.89 
  • +.10
  • -.10

20.What is the slope in the following regression equation? Y = 2.69X – 3.92
  • 2.69 
  • -2.69
  • 3.92
  • -3.92

21. When we square the correlation coefficient to produce r2, the result is equal to the:
  • proportion of variance in Y not accounted for by X
  • proportion of variance in Y accounted for by X 
  • sum of squared residuals
  • standard error

22.When testing for mediation, what significance test would you conduct to further strengthen your
argument for (or against) mediation?
  • Tukey’s HSD
  • Fisher’s Exact Test
  • Sobel Test 
  • Bonferroni correction

23.Why it is preferable to conduct a one-way ANOVA to compare multiple sample means rather than a series of independent t-tests?
  • More powerful error term
  • Reduces the likelihood of Type I error
  • Both a and b 
  • None of the above

24.The sphericity assumption assumes:
  • homogeneity of variance
  • homogeneity of covariance
  • both a and b 
  • none of the above

25.Suppose a dependent t-test is conducted to compare scores in an experiment with a pre/post design (like the working memory training example). Suppose two experiments were conducted: A and B. In Experiment A the correlation between pre and post scores was high. In Experiment B the correlation between pre and post scores was low. Which Experiment would have a lower standard error, and why?
  • Experiment A would have a lower standard error because the variance associated with subjects is more systematic.
  • Experiment B would have a lower standard error because the variance associated with subjects is more systematic.
  • Experiment A would have a lower standard error because the variance associated with subjects is less systematic.
  • Experiment B would have a lower standard error because the variance associated with subjects is less systematic.

Monday, March 4, 2013


OLAP - On-Line Analytical Processing.
Designates a category of applications and technologies that allow the collection, storage, manipulation and reproduction of multidimensional data, with the goal of analysis.

MOLAP - Multidimensional OLAP.
This term designates a cartesian data structure more specifically. In effect, MOLAP contrasts with ROLAP. Inb the former, joins between tables are already suitable, which enhances performances. In the latter, joins are computed during the request.
Targeted at groups of users because it's a shared environment. Data is stored in an exclusive server-based format. It performs more complex analysis of data.

DOLAP - Desktop OLAP.
Small OLAP products for local multidimensional analysis Desktop OLAP. There can be a mini multidimensional database (using Personal Express), or extraction of a datacube (using Business Objects).
Designed for low-end, single, departmental user. Data is stored in cubes on the desktop. It's like having your own spreadsheet. Since the data is local, end users don't have to worry about performance hits against the server.

ROLAP - Relational OLAP.
Designates one or several star schemas stored in relational databases. This technology permits multidimensional analysis with data stored in relational databases.
Used for large departments or groups because it supports large amounts of data and users.
HOLAP:Hybridization of OLAP, which can include any of the above.