
Sunday, December 9, 2012

How do I read/write Excel files in SAS?

Reading an Excel file into SAS

Suppose that you have an Excel spreadsheet called auto.xls. The data for this spreadsheet are shown below.
AMC Concord    22   2930  4099
AMC Pacer      17   3350  4749
AMC Spirit     22   2640  3799
Buick Century  20   3250  4816
Buick Electra  15   4080  7827
Using the Import Wizard is an easy way to import data into SAS.  The Import Wizard can be found on the drop down file menu.  Although the Import Wizard is easy it can be time consuming if used repeatedly.  The very last screen of the Import Wizard gives you the option to save the statements SAS uses to import the data so that they can be used again.  The following is an example that uses common options and also shows that the file was imported correctly.
PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.auto1 DATAFILE= "C:\auto.xls" 
            DBMS=xls REPLACE;
  • The out= option in the proc import tells SAS what the name should be for the newly-created SAS data file and where to store the data set once it is imported. 
  • Next the datafile= option tells SAS where to find the file we want to import. 
  • The dbms= option is used to identify the type of file being imported. 
  • The replace option will overwrite an existing file.
  • To specify which sheet SAS should import use the sheet="sheetname" statement.  The default is for SAS to read the first sheet.  Note that sheet names can only be 31 characters long.
  • The getnames=yes is the default setting and SAS will automatically use the first row of data as variable names.  If the first row of your sheet does not contain variable names use the getnames=no

Writing Excel files out from SAS

It is very easy to write out an Excel file using proc export in SAS.
Here is a sample program that writes out SAS data called mydata to an Excel file called mydata.xls into the directory "c:\dissertation".
proc export data=mydata outfile='c:\mydata.xls' dbms = xls replace;

Friday, August 3, 2012


What is OLTP?
OLTP is abbreviation of On-Line Transaction Processing. This system is an application that modifies data the instance it receives and has a large number of concurrent users.

What is OLAP?
OLAP is abbreviation of Online Analytical Processing. This system is an application that collects, manages, processes and presents multidimensional data for analysis and management purposes.

What is the difference between OLTP and OLAP?
Data Source
OLTP: Operational data is from original data source of the data
OLAP: Consolidation data is from various source.

Process Goal
OLTP: Snapshot of business processes which does fundamental business tasks
OLAP: Multi-dimensional views of business activities of planning and decision making

Queries and Process Scripts
OLTP: Simple quick running queries ran by users.
OLAP: Complex long running queries by system to update the aggregated data.

Database Design
OLTP: Normalized small database. Speed will be not an issue due to smaller database and normalization will not degrade performance. This adopts entity relationship(ER) model and an application-oriented database design.
OLAP: De-normalized large database. Speed is issue due to larger database and de-normalizing will improve performance as there will be lesser tables to scan while performing tasks. This adopts star, snowflake or fact constellation mode of subject-oriented database design.

Describes the foreign key columns in fact table and dimension table?
Foreign keys of dimension tables are primary keys of entity tables.
Foreign keys of facts tables are primary keys of Dimension tables.

Dimensional Modeling

What is Dimensional Modeling?
Dimensional data model concept involves two types of tables and it is different from the 3rd normal form. This concepts uses Facts table which contains the measurements of the business and Dimension table which contains the context(dimension of calculation) of the measurements.

What is Fact table?
Fact table contains measurements of business processes also fact table contains the foreign keys for the dimension tables. For example, if your business process is “paper production” then “average production of paper by one machine” or “weekly production of paper” would be considered as measurement of business process.

What is Dimension table?
Dimensional table contains textual attributes of measurements stored in the facts tables. Dimensional table is a collection of hierarchies, categories and logic which can be used for user to traverse in hierarchy nodes.

What are the Different methods of loading Dimension tables?
There are two different ways to load data in dimension tables.
Conventional (Slow) :
All the constraints and keys are validated against the data before, it is loaded, this way data integrity is maintained.
Direct (Fast) :
All the constraints and keys are disabled before the data is loaded. Once data is loaded, it is validated against all the constraints and keys. If data is found invalid or dirty it is not included in index and all future processes are skipped on this data.

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to export SAS results to an Excel spreadsheet?

In order to use the techniques , you must have the following software:
1. Base SAS 9.1.3 or later, on any supported operating system and hardware.
2. Microsoft Excel 2002 or later (also referred to as Microsoft Excel XP).
3. An updated version of the SAS ExcelXP ODS tagset.

We will be using the Output Delivery System (ODS) to do so.  ODS allows you to generate tabular output from your raw output that can be placed into Excel sheets.  In the code below, we are creating an Excel file (giving it a name and location), indicating a style to be used ("minimal" in this example), and specifying a few other options. 
STYLE= minimal
OPTIONS ( Orientation = 'landscape'
FitToPage = 'yes'
Pages_FitWidth = '1'
Pages_FitHeight = '100' );
ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP file='D:\work\sas9\tab2.xls' STYLE=Printer OPTIONS ( Orientation = 'landscape' FitToPage = 'yes' Pages_FitWidth = '1' Pages_FitHeight = '100' embedded_titles = 'yes'); 

The first ODS statement ( ) closes the LISTING destination, which writes output to a listing file in batch mode, or to
the Output window when SAS is run interactively. We only want to generate XML output for use with Excel.
The second ODS statement ( ) uses the ExcelXP tagset to generate the XML output and then stores the output in a
file. The STYLE option controls the appearance of the output, such as the font and color scheme. To see a list of
ODS styles that are available for use at your site, submit the following SAS code:
ods listing;
proc template; list styles; run; quit;
The third ODS statement ( ) closes and releases the XML file so that it can be opened with Excel.

We employed a few of the "options" to format our results in Excel.  To see the full list of options, run the SAS code below:
filename temp temp; ods tagsets.ExcelXP file=temp options(doc='help'); ods tagsets.ExcelXP close;

By default, the ExcelXP tagset will create a new worksheet each time a SAS procedure creates new tabular output.
Our sample code executes the REPORT procedure to create the first worksheet. Subsequent worksheets are
created by the PRINT procedure, with a new worksheet being created for each distinct BY group.

Here is a listing of the basic SAS code used to create the Excel workbook:

options center;
ods listing close;
ods tagsets.ExcelXP path='output-directory' file='trial.xml' style=XLsansPrinter;
* Create a summary table to use as the summary/table of contents;
proc means data=sample.trial sum noprint;
by patient;
var arrhythmia flutteratr angina;
id sex drug;
output out=trialsummary(drop=_type_ _freq_) sum=;
run; quit;
* Create the summary/table of contents worksheet;
title 'Summary of Adverse Events';
proc report nowindows data=trialsummary split='*';
columns patient sex drug arrhythmia flutteratr angina;
define patient / display;
define sex--drug / display;
define arrhythmia--angina / analysis n;
rbreak after / summarize;
run; quit;
* Create the detailed worksheets for each patient;
title 'Patient Visit Log';
footnote 'Click to return to AE Summary';
options missing=' ';
proc print data=sample.trial noobs label split='*';
by patient sex drug dosage;
pageby patient;
id visit visitdate;
var systolic diastolic;
var arrhythmia flutteratr angina;
label patient = 'Patient'
sex = ' Gender'
drug = ' Treatment'
dosage = ' Dosage (mg)';
run; quit;
options missing='.';
ods tagsets.ExcelXP close;

Asone can see ( ), the ExcelXP tagset is used to generate the output, and the XLsansPrinter style is used to
control the appearance aspects of the output. The MEANS procedure ( ) is used to create a summary table, and
PROC REPORT ( ) is run to create the first worksheet based on this summarized data. The PRINT procedure ( )

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creating a new variable by compressing several variables

Creating a new variable by compressing several variables

test family rep female male tree
1 A 1 F43 M28 1
1 B 1 F22 M02 2
1 B 2 F22 M02 4

data a ; set a;
ID=compress(test||family||rep||tree); *Combine factors using ||, remove any trailing blank using COMPRESS;

CROSSno=trim(female||male); *Combine FEMALE and MALE variables with ||, remove any trialing blank using TRIM;
CROSSblank=female||male ; * Trim or Compress is not used. New variable may contain blanks;

Proc print data=a ; run;

test family rep female male tree ID CROSSno CROSSblank
1 A 1 F43 M28 1 1A11 F43M28 F43 M28 
1 B 1 F22 M02 2 1B12 F22M02 F22 M02
1 B 2 F22 M02 4 1B24 F22M02 F22 M02

Using DIF and LAG functions

Using DIF and LAG functions

DIF function creates a new variable (D) by taking the difference of observations of another variable (X).Syntax, DIF<n>(argument); *<-- n specifies number of LAGS

data two;
input X @@;
1 2 6 4 7;
proc print data=two;

Results of the PROC PRINT step follow:
1 . .
2 1 1
6 2 4
4 6 – 2

Grouping variables or creating a new variable using

Grouping variables or creating a new variable using
IF/THEN ELSE statement

data a;
input dens percent @@;
0.453 0.42..0.470 0.46..0.396 0.39 .0.430 0.46

data a; set a ;
if dens>=0.450 and percent>=0.40 then type='T';
else type='J' ;

If you need to kill a SAS job, after issuing the kill -9 job# command

If you need to kill a SAS job, after issuing the kill -9 job# command

Use the following command to delete the SAS work directory related to this job:

cleanwork /tmp

=> you don't need to go to the /tmp directory to locate and remove your SAS  working directory.

For this to work, add the following to your setenv PATH statement in your .cshrc file:

(if you put this at the end of setenv PATH statement, don't forget the ":" before this path).

Lost SAS Code

If you happen to be one of the unlucky programmers who lost the SAS code … because you didn’t save it. There is solution for that…. SAS System automatically takes the backup of the SAS code for every 10 minutes (default);

Just look in the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\Programmer Name\Application Data\SAS\EnhancedEditor\

Note: Replace “Programmer Name” with your login user id of the System you are using;If you go the specified location above, you will see a copy of the unsaved version of the SAS code.It will be quick if you search files with the extension name ‘.SAS’ (extension for auto-saved SAS codes)

If you want, you can also change the 10-minute time interval for Auto save…. Go to…
Tools ► Options ► Preferences ►Edit.
In the preferences dialog box, make sure to the change the time under Autosave every … And click on OK ..

How to use Lock Statement in SAS: -
A dataset may become locked explicitly using the LOCK statement or automatically if it is being modified by another SAS program. When a dataset has a lock on it, it cannot be read or modified until the lock is removed. One very easy method for waiting for the lock to be released is to use the FILELOCKWAIT libname option. For example,
libname MYLIB "/mypath/sunil" filelockwait=10;
If a dataset in MYLIB is locked and another SAS program attempts to read it, SAS will wait up to 10 seconds before giving an error.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SAS Annotated Output
Proc TTest

The ttest procedure performs t-tests for one sample, two samples and paired observations.  The single-sample t-test compares the mean of the sample to a given number (which you supply).  The dependent-sample t-test compares the difference in the means from the two variables to a given number (usually 0), while taking into account the fact that the scores are not independent.  The independent samples t-test compares the difference in the means from the two groups to a given value (usually 0).  In other words, it tests whether the difference in the means is 0.  In our examples, we will use the hsb2 data set.

Single sample t-test

For this example, we will compare the mean of the variable write with a pre-selected value of 50.  In practice, the value against which the mean is compared should be based on theoretical considerations and/or previous research.
proc ttest data="D:\hsb2" H0=50;
var write;
The TTEST Procedure
                   Lower CL            Upper CL   Lower CL             Upper CL
Variable       N       Mean     Mean       Mean    Std Dev   Std Dev    Std Dev   Std Err
write        200     51.453   52.775     54.097     8.6318    9.4786     10.511    0.6702

Variable      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|
write        199       4.14      <.0001

Summary statistics


                   Lower CL            Upper CL   Lower CL             Upper CL
Variablea      Nb      Meanc    Meand      Meanc   Std Deve  Std Devf   Std Deve  Std Errg
write        200     51.453   52.775     54.097     8.6318    9.4786     10.511    0.6702
a.  Variable - This is the list of variables.  Each variable that was listed on the var statement will have its own line in this part of the output.
b.  N - This is the number of valid (i.e., non-missing) observations used in calculating the t-test. 
c.  Lower CL Mean and Upper CL Mean - These are the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval for the mean. A confidence interval for the mean specifies a range of values within which the unknown population parameter, in this case the mean, may lie.  It is given by
where s is the sample deviation of the observations and N is the number of valid observations.  The t-value in the formula can be computed or found in any statistics book with the degree of freedom being N-1 and the p-value being 1-alpha/2, where alpha is the confidence level and by default is .95.  If we drew 200 random samples, then about 190 (200*.95) times, the confidence interval would capture the parameter mean of the population.
d.  Mean - This is the mean of the variable.
e.  Lower CL Std Dev and Upper CL Std Dev - Those are the lower and upper bound of the confidence interval for the standard deviation. A confidence interval for the standard deviation specifies a range of values within which the unknown parameter, in this case, the standard deviation, may lie. The computation of the confidence interval is based on a chi-square distribution and is given by the following formula
where S2 is the estimated variance of the variable and alpha is the confidence level. If we drew 200 random samples, then about 190 (200*.95) of times, the confidence interval would capture the parameter standard deviation of the population.
f.  Std Dev - This is the standard deviation of the variable.
g.  Std Err - This is the estimated standard deviation of the sample mean.  If we drew repeated samples of size 200, we would expect the standard deviation of the sample means to be close to the standard error.  The standard deviation of the distribution of sample mean is estimated as the standard deviation of the sample divided by the square root of sample size.  This provides a measure of the variability of the sample mean.  The Central Limit Theorem tells us that the sample means are approximately normally distributed when the sample size is 30 or greater.

Test statistics

The single sample t-test tests the null hypothesis that the population mean is equal to the given number specified using the option H0= .  The default value in SAS for H0 is 0.  It calculates the t-statistic and its p-value for the null hypothesis under the assumption that the sample comes from an approximately normal distribution. If the p-value associated with the t-test is small (usually set at p < 0.05), there is evidence that the mean is different from the hypothesized value.  If the p-value associated with the t-test is not small (p > 0.05), then the null hypothesis is not rejected, and you conclude that the mean is not different from the hypothesized value.
In our example, the t-value for variable write is 4.14 with 199 degrees of freedom.  The corresponding p-value is .0001, which is less than 0.05.  We conclude that the mean of variable write is different from 50.
Variablea     DFh   t Valuei   Pr > |t|j
write        199       4.14      <.0001
a.  Variable - This is the list of variables.  Each variable that was listed on the var statement will have its own line in this part of the output.  If a var statement is not specified, proc ttest will conduct a t-test on all numerical variables in the dataset.
h.  DF - The degrees of freedom for the single sample t-test is simply the number of valid observations minus 1.  We loose one degree of freedom because we have estimated the mean from the sample.  We have used some of the information from the data to estimate the mean; therefore, it is not available to use for the test and the degrees of freedom accounts for this.
i.  t Value - This is the Student t-statistic.  It is the ratio of the difference between the sample mean and the given number to the standard error of the mean.  Since that the standard error of the mean measure the variability of the sample mean, the smaller the standard error of the mean, the more likely that our sample mean is close to the true population mean.  This is illustrated by the following three figures.
All three cases the difference between the population means are the same.  But with large variability of sample means, two populations overlap a great deal.  Therefore, the difference may well come by chance.  On the other hand, with small variability, the difference is more clear.  The smaller the standard error of the mean, the larger the magnitude of the t-value.  Therefore, the smaller the p-value. The t-value takes into account of this fact.
j.  Pr > |t| - The p-value is the two-tailed probability computed using t distribution.  It is the probability of observing a greater absolute value of t under the null hypothesis.  For a one-tailed test, halve this probability.  If p-value is less than the pre-specified alpha level (usually .05 or .01) we will conclude that mean is statistically significantly different from zero.  For example, the p-value for write  is smaller than 0.05. So we conclude that the mean for  write is significantly different from 50.

Dependent group t-test

A dependent group t-test is used when the observations are not independent of one another.  In the example below, the same students took both the writing and the reading test.  Hence, you would expect there to be a relationship between the scores provided by each student.  The dependent group t-test accounts for this.  In the example below, the t-value for the difference between the variables  write  and read is 0.87 with 199 degrees of freedom, and the corresponding p-value is .3868.  This is greater than our pre-specified alpha level, 0.05.  We conclude that the difference between the variables  write and read is not statistically significantly different from 0. In other words, the means for write and read are not statistically significantly different from one another.    
proc ttest data="D:\hsb2";
paired write*read;
The TTEST Procedure
                        Lower CL            Upper CL   Lower CL             Upper CL
Difference          N       Mean     Mean       Mean    Std Dev   Std Dev    Std Dev   Std Err
write - read      200     -0.694    0.545     1.7841     8.0928    8.8867     9.8546    0.6284
Difference         DF    t Value    Pr > |t|
write - read      199       0.87      0.3868

Summary statistics          

The TTEST Procedure
                        Lower CL            Upper CL   Lower CL             Upper CL
Differencea         Nb      Meanc    Meand      Meanc   Std Deve  Std Devf   Std Deve  Std Errg
write - read      200     -0.694    0.545     1.7841     8.0928    8.8867     9.8546    0.6284
a.  Difference - This is the list of variables.
b.  N - This is the number of valid (i.e., non-missing) observations used in calculating the t-test. 
c.  Lower CL Mean and Upper CL Mean - These are the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval for the mean.  A confidence interval for the mean specifies a range of values within which the unknown population parameter, in this case the mean, may lie.  It is given by
where s is the sample deviation of the observations and N is the number of valid observations.  The t-value in the formula can be computed or found in any statistics book with the degree of freedom being N-1 and the p-value being 1-alpha/2, where alpha is the confidence level and by default is .95.  If we drew 200 random samples, then about 190 (200*.95) times, the confidence interval would capture the parameter mean of the population.
d.  Mean - This is the mean of the variable.
e.  Lower CL Std Dev and Upper CL Std Dev - Those are the lower and upper bound of the confidence interval for the standard deviation. A confidence interval for the standard deviation specifies a range of values within which the unknown parameter, in this case, the standard deviation, may lie. The computation of the confidence interval is based on a chi-square distribution and is given by the following formula
where S2 is the estimated variance of the variable and alpha is the confidence level. If we drew 200 random samples, then about 190 (200*.95) of times, the confidence interval would capture the parameter standard deviation of the population.
f.  Std Dev - This is the standard deviation of the variable.
g.  Std Err - This is the estimated standard deviation of the sample mean.  If we drew repeated samples of size 200, we would expect the standard deviation of the sample means to be close to the standard error.  The standard deviation of the distribution of sample mean is estimated as the standard deviation of the sample divided by the square root of sample size.  This provides a measure of the variability of the sample mean.  The Central Limit Theorem tells us that the sample means are approximately normally distributed when the sample size is 30 or greater.

Test statistics

Differenceh        DFi   t Valuej   Pr > |t|k
write - read      199       0.87      0.3868
h.  Difference - The t-test for dependent groups is to form a single random sample of the paired difference. Therefore, essentially it is a simple random sample test. The interpretation for t-value and p-value is the same as for the case of simple random sample.
i.  DF - The degrees of freedom for the paired observations is simply the number of observations minus 1. This is because the test is conducted on the one sample of the paired differences.
j.  t Value - This is the t-statistic.  It is the ratio of the mean of the difference in means to the standard error of the difference (.545/.6284).
k.  Pr > |t| - The p-value is the two-tailed probability computed using t distribution.  It is the probability of observing a greater absolute value of t under the null hypothesis.  For a one-tailed test, halve this probability.  If p-value is less than our pre-specified alpha level, usually 0.05, we will conclude that the difference is significantly from zero.  For example, the p-value for the difference between write and read is greater than 0.05, so we conclude that the difference in means is not statistically significantly different from 0.

Independent group t-test

This t-test is designed to compare means of same variable between two groups.  In our example, we compare the mean writing score between the group of female students and the group of male students. Ideally, these subjects are randomly selected from a larger population of subjects. Depending on if we assume that the variances for both populations are the same or not, the standard error of the mean of the difference between the groups and the degree of freedom are computed differently. That yields two possible different t-statistic and two different p-values. When using the t-test for comparing independent groups, we need to test the hypothesis on equal variance and this is a part of the output that proc ttest produces. The interpretation for p-value is the same as in other type of t-tests.
proc ttest data="D:\hsb2";;
class female;
var write;
The TTEST Procedure
                               Lower CL          Upper CL  Lower CL           Upper CL
Variable  female            N      Mean    Mean      Mean   Std Dev  Std Dev   Std Dev  Std Err
write                0     91    47.975  50.121    52.267    8.9947   10.305    12.066   1.0803
write                1    109    53.447  54.991    56.535    7.1786   8.1337    9.3843   0.7791
write     Diff (1-2)             -7.442   -4.87    -2.298    8.3622   9.1846    10.188   1.3042
Variable    Method           Variances      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|
write       Pooled           Equal         198      -3.73      0.0002
write       Satterthwaite    Unequal       170      -3.66      0.0003
                    Equality of Variances
Variable    Method      Num DF    Den DF    F Value    Pr > F
write       Folded F        90       108       1.61    0.0187

Summary statistics

                               Lower CL          Upper CL  Lower CL           Upper CL
Variablea femaleb           Nc     Meand   Meane     Meand  Std Devf Std Devg  Std Devf Std Errh
write                0     91    47.975  50.121    52.267    8.9947   10.305    12.066   1.0803
write                1    109    53.447  54.991    56.535    7.1786   8.1337    9.3843   0.7791
write     Diff (1-2)             -7.442   -4.87    -2.298    8.3622   9.1846    10.188   1.3042
a.  Variable - This column lists the dependent variable(s).  In our example, the dependent variable is write.
b.  female - This column gives values of the class variable, in our case female. This variable is necessary for doing the independent group t-test and is specified by class statement.
c.  N - This is the number of valid (i.e., non-missing) observations in each group defined by the variable listed on the class statement (often called the independent variable).
d.  Lower CL Mean and Upper CL Mean - These are the lower and upper confidence limits of the mean.  By default, they are 95% confidence limits.
e.  Mean - This is the mean of the dependent variable for each level of the independent variable.  On the last line the difference between the means is given.
f.  Lower CL Std Dev and Upper LC Std Dev - These are the lower and upper 95% confidence limits for the standard deviation for the dependent variable for each level of the independent variable.
g.  Std Dev - This is the standard deviation of the dependent variable for each of the levels of the independent variable.  On the last line the standard deviation for the difference is given.
h.  Std Err - This is the standard error of the mean.

Test statistics

Variablea   Methodi          Variancesj     DFk   t Valuel    Pr > |t|m
write       Pooled           Equal         198      -3.73      0.0002
write       Satterthwaite    Unequal       170      -3.66      0.0003
                    Equality of Variances
Variablea   Methodi     Num DFn   Den DFn    F Valueo   Pr > Fp
write       Folded F        90       108       1.61    0.0187
a. Variable - This column lists the dependent variable(s).  In our example, the dependent variable is write.
i.  Method - This column specifies the method for computing the standard error of the difference of the means.  The method of computing this value is based on the assumption regarding the variances of the two groups. If we assume that the two populations have the same variance, then the first method, called pooled variance estimator, is used. Otherwise, when the variances are not assumed to be equal, the Satterthwaite's method is used.
j.  Variances - The pooled estimator of variance is a weighted average of the two sample variances, with more weight given to the larger sample and is defined to be
s2 = ((n1-1)s1+(n2-1)s2)/(n1+n2-2),
where s1 and s2 are the sample variances and n1 and n2 are the sample sizes for the two groups. the This is called pooled variance. The standard error of the mean of the difference is the pooled variance adjusted by the sample sizes. It is defined to be the square root of the product of pooled variance and (1/n1+1/n2). In our example, n1=109, n2=91. The pooled variance = 108*8.13372+90*10.3052/198=84.355. It follows that the standard error of the mean of the difference = sqrt(84.355*(1/109+1/91))=1.304. This yields our t-statistic to be -4.87/1.304=-3.734.
Satterthwaite is an alternative to the pooled-variance t test and is used when the assumption that the two populations have equal variances seems unreasonable. It provides a t statistic that asymptotically (that is, as the sample sizes become large) approaches a t distribution, allowing for an approximate t test to be calculated when the population variances are not equal.
k.  DF - The degrees of freedom for the paired observations is simply the number of observations minus 2. We use one degree of freedom for estimating the mean of each group, and because there are two groups, we use two degrees of freedom.
l.  t Value - This t-test is designed to compare means between two groups of the same variable such as in our example, we compare the mean writing score between the group of female students and the group of male students.  Depending on if we assume that the variances for both populations are the same or not, the standard error of the mean of the difference between the groups and the degrees of freedom are computed differently.  That yields two possible different t-statistic and two different p-values.  When using the t-test for comparing independent groups, you need to look at the variances for the two groups. As long as the two variances are close (one is not more than two or three times the other), go with the equal variances test.  The interpretation for the p-value is the same as in other types of t-tests.
m.  Pr > |t| - The p-value is the two-tailed probability computed using the t distribution.  It is the probability of observing a t-value of equal or greater absolute value under the null hypothesis.  For a one-tailed test, halve this probability.  If the p-value is less than our pre-specified alpha level, usually 0.05, we will conclude that the difference is significantly different from zero.  For example, the p-value for the difference between females and males is less than 0.05, so we conclude that the difference in means is statistically significantly different from 0.
n.  Num DF and Den DF - The F distribution is the ratio of two estimates of variances. Therefore it has two parameters, the degrees of freedom of the numerator and the degrees of freedom of the denominator. In SAS convention, the numerator corresponds to the sample with larger variance and the denominator corresponds to the sample with smaller variance. In our example, the male students group ( female=0) has variance of 10.305^2 (the standard deviation squared) and for the female students the variance is 8.1337^2. Therefore, the degrees of freedom for the numerator is 91-1=90 and the degrees of freedom for the denominator 109-1=108.
o.  F Value - SAS labels the F statistic not F, but F', for a specific reason. The test statistic of the two-sample F test is a ratio of sample variances, F = s12/s22 where it is completely arbitrary which sample is labeled sample 1 and which is labeled sample 2. SAS's convention is to put the larger sample variance in the numerator and the smaller one in the denominator. This is called the folded F-statistic,
F' = max(s12,s22)/min(s12,s22)
which will always be greater than 1. Consequently, the F test rejects the null hypothesis only for large values of F'. In this case, we get  10.305^2 / 8.1337^2 = 1.605165, which SAS rounds to 1.61.
p.  Pr > FThis is the two-tailed significance probability. In our example, the probability is less than 0.05. So there is evidence that the variances for the two groups, female students and male students, are different. Therefore, we may want to use the second method (Satterthwaite variance estimator) for our t-test.